Yes . . . it has been a while since I’ve last posted a blog on here. While it’s true that I’ve actually been home for a few weeks now J . . . my life really hasn’t slowed much. You see, traveling is only one-third of my job. There’s the pre-production and planning process, the traveling and production aspects (videotaping, photographing, etc.), and lastly the post-production (logging, editing, etc.) of the videos and photos.
At the moment, I’m multi-tasking. I’m planning for new trips, videotaping locally for some current projects, logging photos/videotapes from previous trips, and editing a few video features. Basically, that’s pretty typical.
So how can you be praying for me right now? First and foremost . . . for God’s wisdom and direction. Because, you see, I cannot accomplish anything without Him. And for God to gain the glory in all that I do, I must first seek His face. Which leads me to prayer request #2 . . .
Please pray that I will not forsake my time with Christ each day. I desperately need discipline (in many areas of my life), and your prayers can be the gentle “push” behind my back when my stubbornness comes into play. I believe with all my heart that God does answer prayers. So pray with confidence, because you are being heard. And please let me know how I may be praying for you!
May God bless each of you right now as you’re reading these words! My prayers for you are attached to this message. And whether I know you or not . . . you have been prayed for. And the Father knows you intimately. Take care, my friends, and spend a moment in the presence of Christ right now. He’s waiting . . . and listening. J