Christmas - for me - is always a time to stop, think, and reflect on life. It is the season of celebration for the Christ-child. Jesus didn't first appear on earth as a man. He came as a child. And He calls for us to come to Him like children, as well.
Stop. Look around you. And notice the children. Watch them. And learn.
Innocence. Laughter. No pretense. Complete joy. Full of life. Eager to love.
I often realize that I am more comfortable around children than adults. I naturally gravitate toward them... as they often do with me. I can be myself around children. They'll see right through your act anyway. You might as well be real. And they won't hide their feelings from you. You'll know right off exactly how they feel about you - good or bad. ;-) And when they give you their love... it is unconditional and overwhelming. Their smile can brighten your day. And their pain can bring you to tears. When they willingly throw themselves into your arms, you feel like you can conquer the world! I long for those moments of utter joy. And I pray for the day that I can have my own. Children are such a blessing.And God calls us to come to Him as children. Think about it. What does that mean for you?
Dear child, seek your heavenly Father without delay. Lovingly throw yourself into His waiting arms. And joy and peace will surely be yours.