Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Soweto Prayer

I've been keeping extremely busy with projects... so I've had little time to update my blog in the past several weeks. My most recent project has been creating a prayer video for the township of Soweto (on the outskirts of Johannesburg). I can't even begin to explain the details right now, because I'm still processing all that I've experienced. But please check out my completed video: Soweto Prayer.

As soon as I have the time, I'll try to post some photos from the Soweto area... with a brief description.

As always... thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Another year passes...

Wow! I'm getting old. Another birthday has come and gone.

God, you know the one wish that I would ask You to grant. But I pray instead that my desires and dreams be replaced by the dreams that You want for me. I just want You to be glorified through my life... even if that means that my wishes don't come true.

Lord, please help me face whatever comes my way during this next year of my life.