Thursday, January 12, 2006

Airplane thoughts

I'm trying something new again -- emailing a blog entry.  Let's see if it works!  :-)   I'm in an airport right now, and here's a short journal entry that I wrote a few hours ago.  I thought that I'd share:
I'm sitting on the airplane waiting to begin this leg of my journey to West Africa.  At least I'm already starting it off right... in utter dependence on God!  That's the only way that I could have made it this far today.
Editing videos, replying to emails, no sleep, returning phone calls, mailing packages, paying bills, skipping meals, packing equipment, organizing travel schedules... the list is endless.  And yet that about sums up my last few days.
And now, I'm finally airborne.  The journey begins.  Please, God, prepare me for what you have in store.  Please change me, Lord, into who I need to be for the people of Nigeria.  I'm already tired.  Please, Father.  Lift me up and carry me.  Be my rest as I now close my eyes.


Anonymous said...

My friend, may YOU and your luggage arrive safely. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
With Love,

JasonC said...

Hey, Margie while you are there can I get you to do a couple more assignments?
Seriously, I hope the trip goes well and you are able to enjoy what God is doing there.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till we hear what God will do with the villagers that have never heard about Christ. May God keep protecting you and your crew as you all are being obedient to His calling. Have fun eating God's little creatures!!! And be careful where you make your bathroom stops.