Let me explain. As I said earlier, I began the trip with no leads. A few days after arriving in Nigeria, I was finally able ~ with the help of some new friends ~ to arrange an interview with the Nigerian WMU President. I (and the group I was with) left the city as scheduled for "the bush." Unfortunately, the WMU president would be arriving in the city the day after we left, but she was willing to meet us in the bush on her way to the city. Whew! Confused yet?

As we were waiting, I struck up a conversation with the Nigerian pastor (Joshua) who was assisting us with our various projects while we were traveling through the bush. Because this gentleman was unfamiliar with the reasons for us wanting to cover a story on the Nigerian WMU, I began to explain. Joshua expressed his disappointment with the probability of us losing the interview opportunity. What I said next probably shocked me as much as it did him. Typically (when in the States) I would get totally stressed out and a little upset about things not going according to schedule ~ especially when I was the producer directly responsible for the outcome! Instead I replied with, "You know, I'm not worried at all about her not showing up. I know that people have been praying for me back home, and I just need to trust in God's plans. If she doesn't show up for some reason . . . then that just means that God must have something better in mind. And His purposes are far greater than mine."

Joshua just looked at me (speechless) for a moment, and then he began to tell me how important it was for me to get that particular interview. He proceeded to explain about how much good is accomplished by the Nigerian WMU. In fact, since his father died when he was very young, he and his mother had very little money to spare. When God gave Joshua the desire to become a pastor, he had no way to pay for his seminary education. That's when he encountered the blessings from the WMU. They not only paid for his entire education, but they also provided for his daily transportation. Joshua knows that God is sovereign, and he believes that the WMU was the chosen instrument used to accomplish His purposes. Joshua firmly believes that without the assistance from the Nigerian WMU, he would not be able to serve God in the capacity that he's in today. (And Joshua's doing some incredible work for the Lord all over the country!)
Wow! Talk about a story. I realized right away that as Joshua was talking, I wanted to pull out the camera and capture his passionate words. Hearing women of the WMU state what they do is okay, but hearing a recipient of their ministry efforts tell about how his life was changed is more than I hoped for! (Needless to say, he was willing to tell me everything again on camera, and we were able to tape everything before the sun set! Not to mention that we were also able to get some cover footage over the next several days.) And get this . . . early the next morning as we were preparing to head out to some new villages, the WMU President showed up . . . just as the sun began to rise. She (and her entourage) were traveling the day before and got a flat tire! They had to stop somewhere overnight and then continue their travels the next morning. She didn't expect to actually be able to see us, but she was more than willing to be interviewed anyway.
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but our God is sooo awesome!!! If this lady had arrived on time then I never would have heard Joshua's story. I've been reminded that I need to always be flexible and adaptable. My plans cannot always remain firm, and the Lord's plans are always better. And He used YOUR prayers to illustrate this. Only through your willingness to lift my requests up in prayer was I able to wait on God and gain the images that He desired for me to get. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! :-)
Dear Margie,
What a Story! God is too cool!!He is so awesome. When you told the pastor about you were not worried because you had people praying for you, I got the biggest smile on my face. For God's glory we have been praying for ya! Thank you for writing these stories so I can read them to my kids!!
Love ya, Monique
Julie is sleeping right now and of course I have no clue how to do this! I started the blog but I couldn't figure it out then I signed on as anonymous, so here I am trying to do it right. I will remind the ladies about your blog thingy. love you Monique
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